Monday, 24 April 2017


Are you a teenager that wants to help the enviorment but don't know how to start?
Don't worry!!!
Here are some tips that will teach you how to start been more enviormentally friendly!!!

1) Grown your own food
Okay. I know. How?
Very easy. Keep all the cans from yogurts and plant the seeds!! Of course you don't need to have your own supermarket but some fruits and vegetables like tomatoes or strawberries will be fairly enough!!

2) Get shorter showers!!
Everyone loves having baths but what if we reduce the three times a week of bahts to only only once each week (But you must take shower every day!!!)

         -A tip inside a tip. Everyone have seen this colourful balls,spheres a lot of youtobers and influercers use to color their baths,

 I have investigate and the cosmetic brand "Lush"  produce a big number of this spheres, but what was my surprise when I read that the materials are 100% envirmentally friendly!! So you can use them to have a relaxing bath ( remember not every day!) and not feel bad because you are not poisson the water!!

3)Freeze food
Old momma tip you have never release on. If you keep the food freeze it would keep good and you won't have to trhow it.

4)Wash you clothes with cold water, 
How to do it:
-Find you Mum/Dad
-Ask him/her  :Please the next time, can we wash our water with cold water?
The won't say no!

5)I use a lot this tip. I'm sure that were you were children  and went to the beach , you love made sandcastles, and for that you use buckets. Well, now you can reuse that buckets letting them outside when it rains, and use that water later to water the plants!!!

6)Of course, this tip is so obvious, use public transport or your bike!! also, now its so popular to rent a bike and go to another places with that bike the Town Hall had let!! 

7)Anotyher tip that will help the enviroment and reduce your bills is : don't use the wash machine until is full!!

Here are some little tips teenagers can do, but also in Internet you will found hundreds of ideas!! 

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Second Term Geography Unit 7:Secondary activity

Welcome back guys!! it's almost Easter and I'm very impatient for finished this eternal term!!!
anyway, let's start: This is my geography homework for the second term. I had to choose from a list of minerals  11 of them and posted a picture of thing made with them


Iron : 
old frying pan 

A bench
or even iron-man

Toy soldiers

Does anyone remember this??



Oh wait...

Cars? What the...?



  • Construction

Go crazy!!



Taj Mahal picture taken by the greatest Steve McCurry)

David, by Miguel Angles ( My secret crush) 

Venus of Milo.

  • Industrial

Okay, It's just a joke

This medicine protects from radiatio0n I supposed 

Original lamps!!

Happy easter!!!!