Welcome back little bloggers!
Just say that take a look of the new blog's view. Do you like it? Don't forget to write your opinion in the comments.
The lyrics of the right column are from the The Greatest of Sia, I really think is a very positive song because it tell about follow your dreams and don't give up! You can see all the lyrics (In English and Spanish) clicking here I love this page because you can hear the song and read the lyrics at the same time .
WE START A NEW UNIT !! Yes! It calls Storytelling!
We haven't learn any vocabulary yet, but here are some tips in grammar I want you remember( Almost all are my mistakes in the exam)
When you ask a question meaning something you did in the past the verb of the action ( Do, read, sleep) Is always in the infinitive form because you use a auxiliary verb (DID) That it is already in the past so you don't have the necessity of add another verb.
Did you
Did you catch the train?
In the modal verbs form(Click here to see an amazing chart my English teacher did)
The negative form of To Have in the past is not Hadn't Is Didn't have to
Also remember all the -s in the third person plural!
Hope I help you!
So here is the new vocabulary!
The unit is about cinema and storytelling, two of my favourites topics!
Hereare the different genres in the cinema ( some you can use in theatre and here are some expressions people usually say during, before or after a film!
Printer: The machine we use to print documents pictures etc
Get travel sick: While you are in a trip ( usually in a transport)You feel dizzy
Soon: Early ( in time)
Remember : Die- verb
Died- past simple verb
Death- Noun
Double-Side: Two faces ( The tow - sides of a coin)
Characters: the person,/animal/monster etc) who is represented by the actors
UFO: Unidentified flying object
Review . The opinion of a person about something relationed with culture ( Theatre, cinema, books ) Is not a critic, is just the opinion.
Disappointing: That feeling when your expectations about someone or something were higher
Dramatic: Spanish people! This is a false friends . A false friends means that a word doesn't mean what you think because it is really similar with a word in your language ( Ex. Carpet, career, library...) You use dramatic to express that something is great (but in some cases you use this to mean something sad Dramatic situation)
Dull. Boring
Enjoyable. Entertaining, good time
Enterteing: When the times flies cause you are having a great time
Predictable. When you guess what is going to happens
Hilarius. so funny
Realistic: You really feel the situation
Spectacular: amazing, awesome
Original: Different
Terrifying: Very scared
Stand: In a film the actors specialised in the most dangerous scenes.
Plot: argument
Light-har plot: the argument is too easy
Act out: act in a play
Cut out; Cut with scissor
Blockbuster: A boom, a successful film
Talented: A person whop is really goo at something
Script: the dialogues of then film
Profitable: That earns to you money and let have a good life( economical life)
Income: The extra money you get when you sell something
Headline: The top part in the news ( example)
Afterwards: Adverb that means after something
I hate it: Detest something
I'd rather that _____ than : I prefer to do this before this (Because you hate the second thing)
I really love: you like it a lot
Suggestion: Say an idea of per example what to do.
Plot: argument
Light-har plot: the argument is too easy
Act out: act in a play
Cut out; Cut with scissor
Blockbuster: A boom, a successful film
Talented: A person whop is really goo at something
Script: the dialogues of then film
Profitable: That earns to you money and let have a good life( economical life)
Income: The extra money you get when you sell something
Headline: The top part in the news ( example)
Afterwards: Adverb that means after something
I hate it: Detest something
I'd rather that _____ than : I prefer to do this before this (Because you hate the second thing)
I really love: you like it a lot
Suggestion: Say an idea of per example what to do.